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Teeth Whitening and what you should know…

Looking and feeling your best is ultimately what we all strive for, especially if it involves a new outfit, a style cut or a new pair of shoes. It’s not often we think about healthy teeth and gums or our smile, unless there is a problem. Teeth whitening are one way we all can get a quick fix and feel better about ourselves. At the Vartanian Dental Group in Mission Viejo, we specialize in making our clients look and feel great about themselves and that includes a fantastic smile. Teeth whitening are a growing trend among adults. Unfortunately, we are all born with different shades of teeth coloring and then we go through our day drinking coffee and tea or eating other colorful foods that will discolor our teeth all day long, year after year. One way to whiten those teeth right away and get immediate results is to visit the Vartanian Dental Group in Mission Viejo for a free consultation and they will get you set up with the best teeth whitening products in the industry. These leading teeth whitening products are proven to have immediate results and with just a few simple treatments, you will notice a significant difference in the color of your teeth. For most people, this is an immediate gratification and self confidence booster that makes people feel good about themselves immediately!

In recent years, there have been several companies emerging into the teeth whitening business and ADA has written an article about the teeth whitening business. I’ll summarize the basics of the article for you here. The first thing I noticed about the ADA’s article was they stated, if you want to whiten your teeth, the best place to start is a healthy mouth, meaning your overall healthy oral hygiene should be the most important thing, not just getting white teeth. The article talks about how a person should be free of tooth decay, sensitive or cracked teeth, infections or gum problems. It also talks about how important it is to visit your dentist so they can properly diagnose the discoloration cause; such as food or tobacco, an injury or antibiotic treatment as a child or other causes, a proper teeth whitening treatment can be prescribed, otherwise, you might be wasting time and money on treatments that won’t give you the results you are looking for.

The ADA also recommends you be cautious when it comes to the pop up teeth whitening stations for the above reasons and for the following reasons. Teeth whitening have become popular with TV, newspaper, magazine & radio ads as well as online ordering, you can now get a teeth whitening sessions at home, at kiosk in the mall or even an airport. The ADA is directly concerned about the chemicals and the safety of these chemicals as well as the procedures that these pop up companies are using without dentist supervision. They state and I quote “If the chemicals used to whiten teeth are not applied properly, they could damage soft and hard tissues in the mouth.”

Dental office staff members are trained in infection control techniques that follow the US Centers for Disease Control and Preventions guidelines. Talk to your dentist about the pros and cons of different whitening treatments and what may be right for you. There are several options your dentist has for you to whiten your teeth and I would only trust the Vartanian Dental Group in Mission Viejo to help me whiten my teeth. They have all the knowledge, experience and treatments that are recommended by the ADA.

Your teeth and gums are the lifeline to a healthy body. Teeth whitening will help your cosmetic appearance and make you look your best, which in return, will help you feel your best. A healthy mouth is a sign you have a healthy body. Research shows that there is a direct link between your oral health and your overall health, so don’t ignore those little issues in your mouth. See the Vartanian Dental Group at first sign of a problem or if you simply want to look and feel your best with teeth whitening. The Vartanian Dental Group in Mission Viejo is my trusted dentist in Orange County and they should be your dentist too!